The Advocate

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.”. John 14:23-29

6th Easter Sunday

They say that if some students fail in a teacher’s exams, it’s the fault of students who did not study. If however many students fail it could be the teacher’s fault who did not teach well. Is it so in the case of the apostles and the Lord?

 Jesus is no doubt the best teacher but apparently, He had the worst students. Remember from the very start Jesus called His apostles to become fishers of men. But after their three-year apprenticeship under Him the apostles learned nothing. They all went to back to fishing fish. Even seeing His resurrection after His passion and death did not help.

However, Jesus patiently said nothing about this and even prepared breakfast of bread and broiled fish for them after fishing. Instead, He promised them a Helper that will remind them of all that they were taught.

In our case is it possible that we could also be as dumb as the apostles at times. To discover if we are learning well what Jesus is teaching us, look at the actions we do.  Have we been constantly returning to old bad habits like the apostles who returned to catching fish? Are we more attentive to the promptings of the devil than the Spirit and thereby have been filled lately with anger, envy and pride?

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