DBTC-Cebu Confers the Sacrament of Confirmation

by: Martin Jonas A. Aranzado

SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENT! A blessed and joyous event was held on May 16, 2024, as students from Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. 102 Bosconians were endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation, including students from Grade 6, Junior High School, College, and TVET departments. Each confirmand was accompanied by their godparents as support and witnesses to their spiritual growth as Christians.

The Holy Mass was presided over by Most Rev. Ruben C. Labajo, DD (Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu), who also administered the confirmation. He was joined by Rev. Fr. Randy Figuracion, SDB (Rector and President), Rev. Fr. Reynante Sabelita, SDB (College/TVET Pastoral Animator), and Rev. Fr. Jhun Paradiang Jr., SDB (Lourdes Shrine Rector).

In his homily, Bishop Labajo emphasized the importance of the Sacrament of Confirmation and how it allows each confirmand to receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. He highlighted that this sacrament is a vital step in the spiritual journey of each individual, marking their full initiation into the Christian community. He encouraged them to embrace these gifts and live out their faith as active Christians.

As the Bosconian community celebrates this momentous event, the impact of the Sacrament of Confirmation among the confirmands is sure to strengthen their bond with the Christian community and signify their personal commitment to their faith.

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